Saturday, August 7, 2010

Uganda Adventure: Day 16; Travel

Bye-bye Uganda.

fang fangWe left the hotel at noon. I didn't sleep well because the AC was not working and Kampala is much warmer than west Uganda. I called them about it in the afternoon, but when we got back from dinner at 11, they forgot to fix it. They tried to work on it till 1, and then gave up and brought me a fan instead.

We picked up Ada and said goodbye to fr. Izzy at the bishop's house. Sebastian and Lawrence came with us to the airport. We stopped for lunch, but I really couldn't eat three full meals today. Balinda dropped us off at 3, and I am sure he was glad to finally be free from us. :)

After some trouble with the group tickets (they had many issues with those), our flight roll began. This time, on both Ethiopian flights the white people were an obvious minority. I guess all those mission groups were not ready to come home just yet. We said goodbye to Sequeiras in Addis and wished them a good trip in Egypt. I was ready to be back on American soil again. Our long flight was 17+ hours.

Entebbe airportagricultural fires around Entebbe

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