Monday, June 18, 2012

After 3 Months

Yesterday marked 3 months since I brought Ficho-Pricho home on St. Patrick's day. He is almost 5 months old now. We've seen quite a change from the timid little bird he was at first. Then and now:

He is super active now, manages to fly across the room even with wings clipped, and hops around on his play-stand like a finch. He is super chatty, and always tries to out-loud us when we speak. Loves the kisses and head rubs, and when he's on me he constantly touches my lips to kiss him back. :)

He is a good eater, even though he's still at just 40 grams! He started eating some pellets, but readily goes for his fruit/veggie bowl with apples, broccoli, peas, carrots corn bread, sweet potato, greens, sprouts,... Not a fan of berries yet, but will try them. Doesn't think peppers are food.

He is an avid chewer and toy destroyer. I pretty much have to replenish his balsa shredder once a week, wine toys are gone within days, and pine slats have good chunks missing, too. He's getting much better at foraging.

He loves to bathe in his water dish. He knows to hold down food and toys with his foot. Examines the tent every night before going in.

And here are also some videos of his "firsts", and how long after bringing him home he achieved those milestones.
First day of stepping up after 2.5 days.
First time out of the cage after 5 days.
First time "talking" with us aftert 6 days. (he was mute up to this point)
First head sratch after 10 days.
First foraging for toys after 2 weeks.
First foraging for food after 3 weeks.
First bath (outside of his water bowl) after 2 months.
First game after 2 months.

Little spoiled brat! :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Citizenship: Interview Letter Received

Yesterday I received the letter from USCIS outlining the details for my interview.

Wednesday, July 18th, at 8am in San Antonio!

8AM! In San Antonio!

Couldn't these people have checked that I live in Austin before scheduling me for such an early time in another city? Urgh! There is an option to reschedule by sending in this same form they sent me back, with explanation of why I need it rescheduled. There is no option to request a certain date or time, just to request that the appointment basically be moved from the currently scheduled time because that's the time you can't make it. But from what I read about it, it's not recommended unless it's really an emergency, like if I would be out of the country. And even then people/attorneys recommend rescheduling your flight rather than this interview. If rescheduled, my case could go to the end of the scheduling queue, and for some people that meant months, even years, of delay! That's how messed up the system is. 

So, I will not try to reschedule. I am still debating if I should get a hotel room and just go the night before, or leave super early, like 5.30 am, to avoid rush hour traffic delays. I've read about experience of someone going to that same office from Austin, and after getting lost, arriving 15 minutes late to the appointment and not being allowed to have the interview that day but having to reschedule. And they don't give out any phone number I could call from the road to let them know if I am a little late. And so, like so many people on different forums have said, it will be best to make it to this interview on time, and then hopefully have only one more appointment (for the oath ceremony) with this agency and then be done and over with it for good!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Citizenship: Interview Scheduled

Just saw this updated information for my naturalization application.

Testing and Interview

Your N400, APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION is now scheduled for interview. You will receive a written notice with a time and place for your interview. You should receive this notice within 14 days. If you do not receive this notice within 14 days from June 1, 2012, please call customer service...

Since today is Sunday, I assume it posted yesterday (although I think I checked and it wasn't there), because it wasn't there on Friday. Their site it doesn't say how much time they give us between the written notice and the interview date, but if it's anything like the biometrics scheduling, it should be within a month. So, I am guessing I should be done with the interview by mid July.

Maybe my friend was right in guessing my oath ceremony would be before September.

Snake #3

I had another crawling thing at mi casa. Same size as the last time. I guess I should be grateful we get to eliminate them when they are little, and didn't have another giant like the first one.

But this is getting old.

I was running late for church when I saw it, so no pictures this time. I had my brother take care of it. This one also had its head stuck in the glue mouse trap box (I am glad I got few extra ones to keep replacing them), and it was moving its body together with the box. We couldn't drop a live snake at the park trash can, so my brother took a shovel and banged on top of the box a few times really well. It was dead for sure. We left it in a plastic bag out in the sun and heat for the afternoon and then threw it into our trash can.

Maybe I really should start looking for that snake-a-way thing the pest control guy recommended.