Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Have Enough Varicella Virus In Me

...so I don't need another booster shot! Yay!

I just found out that my blood test result came back, and I have enough varicella antibodies in me, a live infection in a way, that I don't need to get another shot. That makes me happy! Especially since, for that blood draw, I had a very energetic nurse, whose work is still visible on my arm a week later in a form of a very nasty, 4-inch bruise. It was worth it if it means no more shots.

Because of this trip, I had to get:
Hepatitis A,
Hepatitis B, 2 times,
Meningococcal (meningitis),
Yellow fewer,
a blood test.
That's 8 pokes, and I still have to get the last doze of Hep A&B in five months and take anti-malaria pills for 25 days.

I am done with needles!


Adam said...

I don't think I'll be going to Africa anytime soon... or ever.

Sharon said...

Ditto that! But our kids could go..they have most of those already. :)
Let me know if you turn out autistic too. ;)

love-birds lover said...

hehe. I do have some trouble concentrating at work these days. I hope that doesn't count as one of the symptoms. :)
I am now up to date on immunization for at least a decade. Most people don't know this, but even adults are supposed to get booster shots every so many years.